Great write-up!

Really bullish on this company, by the time other insurance companies will turn digital, Lemonade will have a huge head start regarding data.

Do you know perhaps, why the expected EBITDA loss for Q1 is so high? Is it because of the Texas freeze or maybe an increase in marketing?...

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Great point on the data - I think this could be an incredibly valuable aspect that many aren't even considering.

On the EBITDA question, I don't actually think this is the best metric to focus on in too much detail for early stage growth tech companies - especially for insurace. I think in this case a better focus point would be the 'loss ratio' stat or 'in force premium'.

However, looking at the EBITDA here, i would probably agree with you and say the majority was related to a combination of Marketing + black swan events like the Texas freeze. Sorry I can't be of more help here

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Can you comment a bit more on reinsurance claim process. Assume $100 earned premium and 75% loss ratio. With the current framework, how would the income statement look like? thanks

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